Lesson 11: My Relationship With God — Salvation (Part 1)
Lesson 10: Time Travelling with God (Part 3)
Lesson 9: Time Travelling with God (Part 2)
Lesson 8: Time Travelling with God (Part 1)
Lesson 7: God’s Design of Humans
Now that we know how God designed us we also need to discuss what His general plan is for our lives. After studying His general plan, we need to know more about the differences between males and females. We also need to consider those who have severe handicaps. How does such a handicap fit into […]
Lesson 6: God’s Design of Humans
Lesson 5: The Word of God – Final
Lesson 4: The Word of God – New Testament
This lesson will discuss how we got the New Testament (NT). Through the ages God has assured that humans did get a reliable copy of the New Testament text, but the process has been long and hard. Many people have lost their lives defending the NT text and the right of common people to read […]
Lesson 3: The Word of God – Old Testament
The next three lessons will discuss the Bible: how we got it, how the ancient writings have been preserved, how He gets truth to our minds, the role of the Holy Spirit in helping us understand the Word, and which translation(s) are competent. Most importantly the goal is to discuss what the Word of God […]
Lesson 2: Who Is God? (Part 2 of 2)
The unchanging (Mal. 3:6), eternal, and Almighty God is beyond human words. God is so far above all we can grasp that we can’t even find proper comparisons. Recognizing this fact the Scripture notes, “Therefore You are great, O Lord God. For there is none like You, nor is there any God besides You…” (2 […]
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