
Our Newest Book is Available in Hardcover, Paperback and eBook

A Fresh Look at End Times presents biblical prophecy in a non-traditional and enlightening manner, enabling you to gain a clear understanding of the future. You’ll be amazed to learn that God kept a secret from humans until the first century. Once He revealed that secret, a new age began and it interrupted prophecy. When our age ends, normal biblical prophecy will resume with heaven and earth shaking events, leading to the greatest era in human history. Click here for more info..

God’s Secret and the Crisis of the Cross explores “the mystery”, a sacred secret, that was hidden in the mind of God from the beginning of time. A book about dinosaurs, black holes, and Bigfoot would be kid’s stuff compared to the top secret God had hidden for millennia from the world. You can be sure, when God holds a secret, He has a specific reason to do so, and you can also be sure it dwarfs anything humans have done or even can imagine. This book will discuss God’s secret and its implications for the entire word, for all times. Click here for more info..

Biblical Transformation goes into detail on what a renewed mind and transformation are all about. This book is a must for all Christians who want to understand Romans 12:1-2. New insights into this topic are revealed, and examples are given to show how transformation can be applied to daily-life issues. This book is perfect for home Bible studies and group discussions. (Paperback, eBook and Kindle versions available.)

“The Song of Solomon, More Than a Love Story” reveals the actual love story in the Song of Solomon and then further reveals the hidden message within that story – everyone with a hunger for biblical truth will want this book. (Available in Paperback.)

Teen Bible Study Lessons

G4U’s Teen Lessons provide a teaching guide for youth leaders, parents and Sunday school teachers to use for instructing teens in a systematic way. Mature teens can also use them for personal study and adult Bible study groups.  The lessons provide a curriculum that is salvation oriented, biblically sound, based upon God’s Word for the Age of Grace, and practical for today’s world.

We offer free downloads of G4U teen Bible lessons and Adult Studies.

This ministry depends upon the donations of God’s people in order to provide teen lessons and adult studies free of charge.  All donations are tax deductible.  Use the Donate link to help support this ministry.

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